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Meals On Wheels
Arizona White Mountains

"Devoted to providing quality senior meals, supportive services, and experiences." 

"Create a community culture that ensures every White Mountain Area senior is fed, valued, and respected."

Refer A Meal
February  Newsletter

                                  We would love to take this opportunity to tell you a little about ourselves.

          In 1983, Gertrude Mae "TRUDY" Bartlett , started serving sack lunches out of her kitchen to Seniors in need in the White Mountains. She enlisted her friends and others who shared her compassion and respect for our elders to deliver these sack lunches. Today Meals On Wheels Arizona White Mountains operates out of the Turn of the Card Community Center. As was with Trudy, this would not be possible without help, or our community members who either devote their time or donations to continue her and her friend's legacy that started 4 decades ago.

          Meals on Wheels is a community based program designed specifically to meet the nutritional and social needs of seniors. Everyone knows someone who has been touched by Meals on Wheels. They are our parents, our neighbors and our friends. We currently serve approximately 180 meals out of our facility per day, 5 days a week. These meals include Meals on Wheels, Headstart breakfast and lunch , and our Congregate Meal program. Our goal is to double this amount, the only way we will reach this goal is by the help of our wonderful community. We currently have 6 routes for Meals on Wheels. We would love to increase this number so we can ensure that there truly is no senior left to worry about where their next meal will be coming from. If you are interested in volunteering to help us meet this goal please reach out to Tina or Karen at 928-532-0656.

          We are able to continue to operate by the donations of our amazing White Mountains community. If you would like to donate please reach out to Karen or stop by and see us!!!

          In addition to the meals we serve, we also have many activities that we would love to have you enjoy. Please take a look at our calendar of events. 


We are open to the public!!!

Please call 928-532-0656 to reserve your spot

We are proud to announce that we have partnered with the Del E Webb Foundation. They have provided us with a generous Grant for new kitchen equipment

Qualify for Home Delivered Meals

Must be 60 years of age or older Physically or mentally unable to obtain food or prepare nutritious meals

Have no responsible person who is able and willing to perform this needed service

Unable to participate in the congregate nutrition program because of physical or mental impairment

The spouse, caregiver, or disabled family member living in the home of an eligible older person may also be eligible to receive a meal

Intake Form

Monthly Menu 

Our Kitchen works with a NACOG Dietician to create a healthy and tasty menu each month. Food is delivered to our clients Monday - Thursday. On Thursday Meals on wheels clients will receive their meals for Friday. Clients must qualify for home delivered meals, however any one is welcome to join us for lunch at Gerty's Kitchen at the center. Please call 928-532-0656 for a reservation. Lunch is served Monday - Friday 11:00 - 12:30PM

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